Be helpful during the exit interview but keep responses simple and professional. 在离职面谈中要表示愿意为公司提供帮助,但你的回答应力求简单而专业。
I would rather know this as soon as possible, rather than having it pointed out to me at my performance review, or worse, at my exit interview. 我宁愿尽可能早地知道这些,而不是在我的绩效评审的时候,或者更糟的是在我的辞退面谈时才知道。
You might have the urge to tell human resources what you really think of the company during the exit interview, what you really think about your boss and your colleagues and that one guy who doesnt do anything but waste space. 离职谈话的时候,你也许有种冲动要告诉人事经理你对公司、对老板和对同事的真实想法,告诉他哪些人占着茅坑不拉屎。
Constructive criticism is not out of line, but there is a time and a place for it& an exit interview is usually the best choice. 虽然建设性的建议不是不可取,但是需要正确的时间和地点&一般离职前与雇主的谈话就是最好的时机。
Exit interviews are conducted by paper and pencil forms, telephone interviews, in-person meetings or online through exit interview management systems. 这种面试通常会采取书面表格、电话、会面或者网络的方式进行。
Policy of Exit Interview explicitly indicates that management staff are willing to know more about what their colleagues are thinking, and that they respect these thoughts and opinions. 离职面谈政策明确指出,管理人员愿意更多的了解他们的同事是怎么想的,而且他们尊重这些想法和意见。 can exit interview strategies be improved to find the causes of turnover? 怎样提高出公司面试战略,发现员工流动的真正原因?
A sub-editor recently resigned and said in an exit interview that I was "hostile to work life/ balance". 最近一位审稿人辞职了,她在离职面谈中说我“对工作与生活之间的平衡抱有敌意”。
It may be that you save your suggestions for an exit interview with the human resource department. 如果你保留了自己的意见的话,可能会帮你节省一次和人力资源部的面谈。
When appropriate, there should be a formal exit interview process designed to provide ideas and suggestions for improvement in the way we run the business. 在适当的时候,公司可通过正式的面谈程序,请离岗员工就改进公司经营提出看法和建议;
The records of Exit Interview and continuing follow-up shall be recorded in our Talent data room. 离职面谈记录内容和后续跟进工作应记录到我们的人才数据室。
Contents of Exit Interview Record shall not be revealed to the resigning employee. 离职面谈记录的内容不得透漏给辞职员工。